Friday, October 30, 2009

One For All

As  a stylist we deal everyday with people. This is no secret. But what some may think of as just a job, we don't. This is our life. Day in and day out we live hair. We spend more time at work than we do at home. Now this means that not only do we spend that time at work, but we spend it with our co-workers. Our customers are only there a short time and at the most on a weekly basis. But co-workers are there all day everyday! You ever tried being in the same room with the same people everyday for hours at a time? You ought to try it sometime, that is if you are up to a challenge.
I consider myself easy going for the most part. And I play well with others...for the most part. But usually there is at least always one person at work who makes the day a challenge. There is always someone who will inflict their negativity on to others. To have to listen to this  daily  can not only be trying, but frustrating as well. I call people like this energy vampires. These are people who suck the positve life right out of you if you let them. Well naturally we have one at our shop. Come to think of it, there is one at every shop! Some days are better than others, but for the better part of the time it is an everyday event.
The most that I hear is a gripe about product being changed and the boss not doing right-by her standards. The product changing is an everyday routine. The minute the product is put on someone she continues to gripe about how the company has changed it and now it don't work right. It is too wet or too soupy! This is said to at least every other person that sits in her chair. I took her "new" can of hairspray and my old can and read off the ingredents one by one and compared them. Imagine my suprise when they all were the exact same! I informed her that nothing has changed in the spray. This was returned with a " well they have done somthing to it, it isn't the same, they have changed it!" (this is said in a smart ass know it all way) . And on continues the gripe sessions. With the truth put out there she still must argue with you on it. Amazing. Just like a vampire to feed off others and try to make them just like they are.
Well I have learned in my years of experience to ignore the call of a vampire. To block it out and go on with life. This is one way of doing that. To write things down is a great release! Now that it is down and posted This will no longer be an issue (for me at least-I am sure she will continue to voice her dislike over it)
Course I am sure that there will be another just right around the corner!! 
Anyone out there like to get something off their chest?

Feel free.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl seems like i know where that shop is. I to have a lady that works with me that acts the same way,YUCK...You know sometimes i just can't keep my mouth shut, i tried to tell her to shut up the other day but, she didn't listen. What is a person to do? I guess just concider the soures

Ruby said...

You did good the other day girl. Better than I would have! Course there is no reason for this to be happening in the work place. At least there weren't any customers there at the time!